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Additional Financial Aid

There are also multiple foundations, funds and associations which offer financial aid for victims of crimes, separate from the OEG. Most are for a specific group of victims or certain regions. There are certain funds which support groups of victims that still suffer from the consequences of the crime committed against them or still have impairments today.


A few states (Länder) have foundations, which offer additional financial aid to victims of violent crimes.






The Weiße Ring e.V. offers counsel as well as issuing assistance checks by paying the victim’s fee for an initial visit to an attorney, by assuming the cost of an initial trauma counseling session and by assuming the cost of a legal medical investigation. Additionally, they offer financial aid in economic crisis caused by crime.

Furthermore the Kölner Opferhilfe, an association which also offers financial aid, is especially useful for people in Cologne.

Sexual Abuse

Victims of sexual abuse in family or institutions have the option to turn to the Fonds Sexueller Missbrauch.

Residential Care for Children and Young People

Persons who suffered pain and wrongdoing through residential care in the years 1949-1975, could register claims with the Fonds Heimerziehung.

As of the 31st of December 2018 the fund has ceased its work. This date marked the end of its period of validity as defined by §10 Paragraph 1. Thus, the possibility of receiving financial aid through this fund has ended.

However there are still consulting services for former residents of residential care institutions in some states (Länder).

Extremist Crimes and Terrorist Attacks

Victims of extremist crimes or terrorist attacks or their surviving dependents have the possibility to receive financial aid. To receive this aid, they must apply for Hardship Provisions for Victims of Extremist Crimes or Terrorist Attacks at the Federal Office of Justice.

Eligible to apply are persons who were injured bodily or in their general right to protection of personality through extremist or terrorist crimes. This means that payments can also be received as a result of insults or threats toward ones person. There are however, no payments for damage to property. Also eligible to apply are surviving dependents as well as so-called first responders.

Victims of terrorist attacks in Germany and their surviving dependents can also turn to the Beauftragter der Bundesregierung, who is the main contact for all of the victims’ concerns with regards to domestic terrorist attacks.


Sexual Abuse

Handicapped Assistance and Psychiatry

Residential Care for Children and Young People

Extremist Crimes and Terrorist Attacks

Further Information

Persons who suffer damage to their health by means of a violent crime are possibly entitled to government benefits by way of the Crime Victims Compensation Act (OEG). Click here for further information.